The Cybersecurity Summit is designed to address critical issues facing New Hampshire businesses. It features a range of sessions that cover practical strategies for small and medium-sized businesses to enhance cybersecurity on a budget, prepare for upcoming privacy laws, and tackle emerging threats like EFT fraud and ransomware.

Tickets sold out for the 2024 event so we’ll be moving to a larger venue and adding on to the content being offered.

Registration will open in July.

Questions? Reach out [email protected]

What attendees had to say:

“It was a real treat to step out of the WFH landscape for a day and connect again in person with many friends and professional colleagues, some of who I have not seen in person for nearly a quarter of a century!”

“Although I am not a technical person the summit was much more engaging and thought provoking than I thought. I was happy to see the makeup of insurance, legal, and technical coming together at the conference. This was helpful to me as a COO.”

“Table top exercises were great! Getting the audience involved and hearing all the ideas was a perfect addition to the conference. It set it apart from being just another conference. NH IT folk were great as well. Nice to hear how they operate such as vetting vendors and performing cyber security checks on software before being implemented. Lawyers for contract review ensuring what your being sold is what your getting”

“VERY MUCH looking forward to next year!”