What did Bill Gates, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and Jane Goodall all have at least once in their successful careers? Inspiration.
Fostering inspiration in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) among New Hampshire’s youth is a goal of the new UNH Cooperative Extension STEM Docent program. Following the recommendation of Governor Hassan’s Task Force on K-12 STEM Education report, the program offers hands-on learning opportunities for youth to strengthen STEM foundations in order to meet the expected workforce needs in the state.
The UNH Cooperative Extension will train and coordinate teams of volunteer “Docents” to engage youth in STEM curriculum. The program is being launched in the Manchester area with the first class of STEM Docents being trained in August 2016, and will be expected to be in classrooms and out-of-school programs beginning in 2017. UNH Extension is currently recruiting people to be part of the first STEM Docent cohort, and individuals with a desire to inspire youth in STEM are encouraged to apply. Extension is also looking for out-of-school programs and classrooms that want to bring more STEM curriculum to their students.
To get involved, connect with STEM Docent coordinator, Megan Glenn at: [email protected] or visit http://extension.unh.edu/STEM-Docents for more information.