NHTA Members and Partners Honored as New Hampshire Innovators

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The tech ecosystem is a core element of current and future economic development in New Hampshire. The Union Leader highlighted 12 New Hampshire innovators driving technological growths in our state in their annual Innovators magazine. We are grateful to the Tech Alliance members and partners who not only guide the direction of the Alliance but also push our state forward with their dedication to innovation and their embodiment of the tenacity that makes the Granite State great. We’re so thrilled that nine of the 12 selected to be profiled are Tech Alliance members or partners! They are:

  • Bob Wilkins, CEO at SoClean 
  • Brian Fleming, executive director of the SandBox ColLABorative at Southern New Hampshire University 
  • Chrystina Russell, PhD, senior VP and executive director of SNHU Global Education Movement
  • Erica Johnson, CEO at QA Cafe & CloudShark
  • Heather Lavoie, CEO at Geneia
  • Jennifer Gray, CEO at Market Street Talent
  • Matt Marra, advisor at 10X Venture Partners
  • Jeremy Hitchcock, founder and CEO at Minim
  • Justice Amoh and Jeffrey Bemowski, co-founders of Clairways at Dartmouth College. 

New Hampshire has consistently ranked as one of the best states to live, raise a family and retire. The tech sector is a major economic driver and job creator that contributes to our quality of life, education and healthcare. The Innovators magazine also offered us an opportunity to share annual national data that highlights some core facts about the tech sector.

According to the Cyberstates 2018 Research Report, the tech sector in New Hampshire employs nearly 70,000 people. It supports 13.8% of our state’s GDP and employs 9.8% of our overall workforce. Most notably, it creates quality, high-paying jobs with wages nearly 80% higher than the median state wages. 

As the tech sector continues to be a critical element of our state’s economy, from early-stage startups to mature companies, the innovators and collaborators fueling growth in New Hampshire will secure our place as a best place to live, work and raise a family from now and into the future. 

Congratulations to all the innovators who call New Hampshire home.