Alliance Committees
The driving force for programs, events and advocacy work for the Alliance.
The Workforce Development Committee was established by the Alliance Board to help the Alliance address the need to ensure that New Hampshire has sufficient human capital to address technology-related workforce needs. This includes the need for experienced workers, supporting retraining and additional educational opportunities and pipelines, the need to retain college students in the workforce and the need to ensure that tech-related skills are available as appropriate at the K-12 level.
The Committee strives to include representatives from human resources departments, institutions of higher education, experts in workforce and economic development and other leaders from the Alliance membership that have an interest in growing New Hampshire’s tech workforce.
The Committee also looks to support education and training programs that enhance the tech workforce through promotion, advocacy and information sharing. Lastly, the Committee works closely with the NH Department of Business and Economic Affairs and regularly receives and reviews reports related to the tech workforce and associated trends in hiring, compensation and other related issues.
Workforce Development Committee:
Barbara , Marchetti, C-suite Corp – Co-Chair
Peter Richard, XMA Corp- Co-Chair
James Aird, Freelance Instructional Designer, EduPivot LLC
Courtney Ball, State of NH
Anne Banks, CCSNH
Phil Kasiecki, Raytheon
Hope Kelly, Director of HR, Granite State Manufacturing
Matt Long, Winnacunnet High School
Phil Magnuszewski, Chief Innovation Officer, Infused Innovations, Inc.
Jeanmarie Ward, Fidelity
Charlotte Williams, CCSNH
To inquire about getting involved, contact us.
On behalf of the New Hampshire Tech Alliance Workforce Development
Committee, we appreciate you taking a minute to complete this survey. Doing so will
help us identify resources to offer employers in their quest to fill the gap regarding hiring
skilled technology workers.
Please answer these three questions to the best of your ability to help inform and drive the future vision of our Workforce Development Committee.
2024 NHTA Workforce Survey (1)
Results of the survey will not disclose confidential information (names, companies, etc.) other than the data itself.