Financial well-being means peace of mind
In 2024, Americans are prioritizing finances–saving more, spending less and paying off debts. Health savings accounts (HSAs), offered through qualified high-deductible health plans, allow members to save untaxed money to put toward medical expenses or compound by investing. And balances roll over year after year, even if you switch employers. Harvard Pilgrim members also have access to tools for estimating and comparing care costs so you can make better informed financial decisions when it comes to care.
Mental health support at your fingertips
Harvard Pilgrim Health Care offers flexible options that enable members to prioritize their mental health with an approach that works best for them. Behavioral Health Service Navigators are available to help find local mental health providers, schedule timely appointments and guide members toward appropriate programs and services. Additionally, through Doctor On Demand, members can build relationships with licensed mental health professionals that fit their needs and schedule, and virtual self-care programs provide access to therapists who help customize and guide your wellness journey.
And since the average American spends more time working during waking hours than any other activity, it’s important for people to prioritize their mental health in your workplace too. Setting healthy boundaries and communicating them to managers and teams can help you maintain control and create better work-life balance.
Reimbursements for staying healthy
A membership to a physical gym or virtual fitness classes can each help you get healthier–and both may be eligible for fitness reimbursements. From gym memberships and group fitness classes to indoor rock climbing and personal training, there are a variety of activities eligible for reimbursement. And for those interested in the convenience of a virtual fitness class or wellness webinar, Harvard Pilgrim offers no-cost, virtual Living Well classes, for members and non-members alike, making it affordable and convenient to prioritize your well-being and switch up your routine.
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