A Look Back on a Jam-Packed 2017

Alliance News |

By Toral Cowieson, NHHTC board chair and Matt Cookson, NHHTC executive director

As 2017 draws to a close, we wanted to take an opportunity to invite our event committee chairs to reflect back on what was a very active and invigorating year for the New Hampshire High Tech Council. In this edition of the newsletter, you’ll hear from our volunteer chairs who gave their time, energy and leadership skills to bring top notch events and programming to more than 3,200 event attendees in 2017.

Providing opportunities for networking, showcasing top products and leading entrepreneurs, and unveiling promising technology innovations are core functions of the Council. In this newsletter, you will hear from five committee chairs and members who helped coordinate more than 50 events this year. Some of these are highly focused, such as selecting a product and entrepreneur of the year, while others – like our software meet-ups – are more informal.

While events are a core component of the Council’s activities, we also focus on building and enhancing our tech ecosystem in many other ways. These include helping attract and build a skilled workforce, advocating for a tech-friendly regulatory environment and partnering with key organizations to showcase New Hampshire’s tech ecosystem. We believe we made significant progress in these areas with much more to come in 2018.

You will also find a piece from member company Harvard Pilgrim. For the past several years we have included a looking forward piece on healthcare in our last newsletter of the year and we wanted to maintain that tradition, given that the issue continues to generate great interest.

In this season of giving thanks, we want to recognize these program chairs and the nearly 100 volunteers from our membership that also work diligently to support our growing tech ecosystem. Thanks again for your support during 2017. If you’d like to learn more or volunteer for a committee in 2018, please contact us at [email protected].