How a Staffing Agency Can Help Your Business

Alliance News |

Paul Silvio

President, Alexander Technology Group


Alexander Technology Group

BANKW Staffing

As most business owners will agree, the aggressive hiring market has been making it difficult to find great talent. Finding employees with in-demand skills can be time-consuming and stressful on the best day, and when keeping business on track should be your priority, filling that unexpected gap can difficult and costly. It’s times like that when you wish you had a partner to facilitate the hiring process on your behalf. 

A staffing agency is exactly that partner. Armed with critical insight about your unique business, they become an extension of your existing recruiting and hiring team in the employment marketplace, and their expertise in identifying top talent can become your biggest advantage when locating and selecting a new employee from the limited hiring pool. 

An Active Approach 

A staffing agency already has access to the tools they need to find and recruit talent for your business. Instead of waiting for potential hires to come to you, the recruitment firm will reach out to the best talent on your behalf.  Allowing your staffing partner to take an active role in the hiring process is a great way to make sure your open position garners more attention from skilled applicants than the competitor who only posted the position online. 

Market Knowledge  

Many recruiters know their way around the employment marketplace. They will be able to provide you with tips and insight into the industry from competitive salary expectations to finding you the best potential candidates. A recruitment firm will know what skills are in demand as well as what type of applicant to look for, versus combing countless resumes looking for the “purple unicorn.”  

This information is ever-changing, like the employment marketplace itself, and what was once considered a norm may have shifted. Taking a fresh opinion on the various aspects of the employment market can ensure that you’re offering your employees the salary and benefits that will keep them happy and working for you. 

Efficiency is Key 

When it comes to acting swiftly, a staffing agency has the time and talent to help you find excellent employees as fast as possible. It is, after all, their business. Instead of shuffling through resumes, you can get back to the important things, like running your business, and leave the footwork to your staffing partner. Since the staffing agency is already tapped into the local talent pool, you’ll soon be presented with a handful of viable applicants to review. Be sure to act quickly and let your recruiter representative know how you’d like to proceed so you don’t lose out on top talent!  

More Than Staffing 

With a professional staffing agency, like any of the BANKW Staffing family of companies, as your ally, you gain more than just someone to find new employees. You gain a respected resource that is already well-established in their local community and has the confidence and trust of applicants and businesses across New England. Combining insider insight into the employment market and talent pools with a growing network of industry-savvy recruiters means that BANKW Staffing is well-equipped to assist businesses of any size achieve their hiring goals.