Community College System of NH and Registered Apprenticeships for Workforce Development

Alliance News |


By: Charlotte Williams, Workforce Development Administrator Community College System of NH

The recent news that The Community College System of NH (CCSNH) has been awarded a $1.2 million grant from the US Department of Labor to enhance Registered Apprenticeship opportunities within the information technology, healthcare and manufacturing sectors is welcome news for workforce development in New Hampshire. There are more than 1,000 apprenticeable occupations in industries throughout the U.S. workforce including many high-demand industries such as information technology. CCSNH’s grant will support the development of new registered apprenticeship opportunities, provide funding for registered apprenticeship related tuition, and support outreach to employers who wish to expand work-based learning at their sites. Services will be coordinated with the WorkReadyNH program already offered at NH’s community colleges, designed to help individuals build the soft-skills employers identify as necessary to workplace success.

Chris Callahan, vice president of human resources at Exeter Health Resources, (Exeter Hospital, Core Physicians and Rockingham Visiting Nurse Association & Hospice) stated, “Exeter Health Resources has been working in a highly collaborative manner with Great Bay Community College to address workforce shortages in the Greater Seacoast area. Our hope is that the awarding of this grant will provide greater incentive to the healthcare industry to train potential employees for careers within the healthcare sector. We see this training as the basis for lifetime employment and increased responsibility and wages over time. We view apprenticeship programs as having a profound impact on the development of skills that will serve the residents of New Hampshire well. Imparting these skills, and the certifications or licensure that accompanies many of these jobs, will meet an immediate labor market need and help these individuals grow in the healthcare field. We support the Community College System’s effort of pathway development for worker training through education and believe the apprenticeship model can go a long way toward a more efficient link between education and licensure in healthcare professions.”

Registered Apprenticeship is an employer-driven model that combines on-the-job learning with related classroom instruction that increases an apprentice’s skill level and wages. The Community College System of NH, at all seven of its locations statewide, is excited to offer and develop the related instruction portion for new information technology, healthcare and advanced manufacturing Registered Apprenticeships in New Hampshire. Registered Apprenticeship is a tried and tested approach for preparing workers for jobs. It also meets the needs of businesses for a highly-skilled workforce that continues to innovate and adapt over time. Businesses that utilize registered apprenticeship reduce worker turnover as a result of greater employee loyalty, increasing productivity, and improving the bottom line. Registered Apprenticeships offer New Hampshire’s workers a way to begin new careers with good wages. (Source)

Registered Apprenticeships have five components:

  1. Business Involvement
  2. Structured on-the-job training
  3. Related instruction
  4. Rewards for skills gained
  5. National occupational credential

The path to Registered Apprenticeship begins with an employer interested in sponsoring Registered Apprenticeship opportunities at their company. CCSNH is delighted to be working with NH’s Office of Apprenticeship and partnering with the New Hampshire High Tech Council to outreach and engage interested employers in the IT, healthcare and advanced manufacturing sectors. If you have an interest in developing and sponsoring Registered Apprenticeships please contact Charlotte Williams, CCSNH Workforce Development Administrator at 230-3534 or [email protected]. For more information on Registered Apprenticeship and how your company can benefit from it, please visit