SURFSET Fitness is a surf-inspired fitness program that has designed the RipSurfer X, a stationary surfboard the simulates the challenging experience of surfing while in a self-selected location. Read more
SimpleCharters is an online marketplace that allows users to instantly book private jets and enables pilots to offer their private services to a broader range of customers. Read more
FlowTraq offers a network security software that assists in finding and preventing potential data breaches and large scale attacks by uniquely allowing users to view and assess security-relevant details. Read more
Bio-gnostix is a 3D printing company that specializes in providing hospitals and doctors with precise 3D replicas of patient organs from MRI or CT image scans utilizing complex software. Read more
Gemr is a social network that allows users to display, discuss, and connect with passionate communities and individuals sharing the same niche hobbies, collections, and interests as them. Read more
Position Imaging designs complex radio-based position tracking technologies. The company is attempting to provide retail businesses with the ability to track packages and assets without the need of RFID tags. Read more
Granite State Biofuels has a created an easily replicable method for biodiesel producers to efficiently produce high-quality product while utilizing systematic methods commonly seen in biotech and pharmaceutical industries. Read more
MidAir Technology offers innovative products and services that makes connecting devices to the Internet of Things simple and easy. MidAir provides customers security, product scalability, and a reliable network. Read more
OIKOS Software provides cloud-based applications to effectively track financial analytics and create reports. Janice Leahy reflects on her company's progress since her involvement with the Alpha Loft and the NHHTC. Read more