Seeking Director  of Programming and Engagement

Alliance News |

The New Hampshire Tech Alliance which represents nearly 300 member organizations and 60,000 tech professionals, is seeking a dynamic, passionate Programming and Member Engagement professional. This new hire will be part of the core team that takes the organization to its next stage of growth and relevancy.  

Reporting to, supporting, and working closely with the Executive Director and Senior Director of Startup Programming, the Director  of Programming and Engagement will have responsibilities in key areas including:

Membership and Sponsorships

  • Lead efforts to engage current and future members and others in the wide range of programming offered by the Alliance.
  • Work with members to help strengthen engagement with the Alliance.
  • Design and deploy a tracking system to ensure member and sponsorship benefits are delivered across all tiers throughout the year.
  • Ensure member data integrity and updates, run reports, and manage membership management software used by the Alliance.
  • Address membership questions and other inquiries.
  • Support activities that attract and secure event sponsorships and develop additional revenue streams for the Alliance and the NH Tech Foundation, a related 501c(3).
  • Drive deeper member engagement and capture information based on areas of interest in the member database.

Programming and Events

  • Serve as the staff liaison to volunteer committees to support committee effectiveness.
  • In partnership with the event committees, help coordinate events, handle logistics, and provide on-site staffing and engagement of volunteers.
  • Work with Initiative Lead/Committee Chairs to measure profitability and drive a steady increase in attendance to events.
  • Develop and produce virtual and in-person programming 
  • Support special events (e.g., meetings with legislators, briefings, roundtables, and other events where the Alliance has a role)
  • Provide support as needed pre/during events, including online and onsite registration, logistics, event scripting, logistics, food and beverage arrangements, etc.
  • Provide support to the Board and Executive Committee for meeting preparation, planning, and scheduling.

Marketing, Promotion, and PR

  • Oversee promotion of the Alliance via social media, e-blasts, newsletters, public relations and marketing to ensure that event messaging is consistent and engaging.
  • Create and update event collateral, web copy, and other materials as needed.
  • Coordinate with the Executive Director and committee chairs on overall event marketing strategy.
  • Support and accelerate social media engagement and visibility across the Alliance portfolio.
  • Coordinate content curation from members and Alliance partners to support the Alliance’s marketing strategies.


  • Bachelor’s degree
  • Minimum of five years experience in events, marketing, communications, fundraising or non-profit organizations
  • Attention to detail and follow-up
  • Excellent written and verbal communications skills
  • Exceptional relationship building skills
  • Discretion and excellent judgment
  • Experience in event planning with an eye towards excellence
  • Ability to multitask, prioritize, and work in a fast-paced environment
  • Self-starter with ability to be creative and take initiative that can work independently as well as part of a team
  • Knowledge of social media tools, WordPress, event platforms, and other commonly used platforms
  • Understanding of the landscape of New Hampshire businesses and the tech community, including start-ups, is highly desired
  • Experience with a membership-based organization is also highly preferable

If interested in applying, send cover letter and resume to [email protected]