Welcome back, students! We can’t wait to meet you

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You’re invited to participate in all that our organization offers

With students from across the world returning to New Hampshire this fall, we extend a formal invitation to get involved, start building your professional network and learn from smart, passionate people growing our state’s technology sector.

Hi, we’re New Hampshire’s tech council

We’re a member-based organization composed of about 250 technology companies (and the service companies that help them succeed) that are based in New Hampshire or have a sizeable presence here. Together, we identify, explore, and address everything from legislative policy on R&D tax credits to co-hosting the largest startup contest in New Hampshire. Our committees do part of the heavy lifting, with additional help and leadership from Matt Cookson, our executive director, and his staff, and Toral Cowieson, the Council’s board chair, as well as our other board members.

An opportunity for you

As the next wave of tech, business and community leaders, we value your perspectives and want you to be as successful as possible while you’re in school here. We’d also like to show you why New Hampshire is a great place to make your mark after you graduate, but we’re pretty sure that will be obvious after you join us for an event or volunteer on a committee.

While on the topic of opportunity, New Hampshire has nearly 3,000 unfilled tech jobs today. We repeat: 3,000 positions at respected companies. Most of them have unique partnerships, apprenticeship opportunities or internships devoted to training potential employees. Right now, our unemployment rate is so low (which is a good thing) that we simply can’t keep up with the demand for skilled engineers, scientists, IT professionals, software developers, and others central to the tech economy here. You can see why we’re excited to meet you.

Our tech scene

Amazing things are happening here. Top tier organizations (and the people who work there) call New Hampshire home: Dyn (now Oracle,) a favorite startup success story; Nanocomp, whose components are currently in space en route to Jupiter; and the new Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute (or ARMI), led by famed inventor Dean Kamen and backed by $300 million from the U.S. government and industry partners. We’re home to what the Wall Street Journal referred to as “one of the next silicon cities” and Bloomberg noted our “hubs for innovation and high-tech companies who are growing organically and moving to New Hampshire for the high quality of life and unique tax structure.”

How to get started

Here are a few ways to check us out:

  • Via social media – find us on your favorite platform. We’re on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.
  • RSVP to an event – we host a monthly series about women in technology, (all genders welcome!) among other education and networking events. Those, and our hallmark awards competitions are all great ways to get a feel for what we’re all about. Bookmark our events calendar. Many of our events have a reduced or free student rate. If any of the ticket prices are a barrier for you to attend (we get it) reach out and we can work something out.
  • Find out how we work with your school and get involved. We have many special partnerships with college and university programs, like how students from UNH’s Rines Angel Fund are a key part of the TechOut award process, group projects, and helping connect students with mentors. If you can’t find a program, contact us and let’s get one started!

On behalf of the entire state’s technology community, we welcome you to New Hampshire and wish you a successful year.